Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving, and the weekend with Mom

On Thanksgiving Day, Mom and I went to the M.'s house and spent the day with them. Thanksgiving dinner consisted of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, salad, and green bean casserole, and dessert was pumpkin pie, apple pie, and vanilla ice cream. If Emily, my personal trainer, is reading this, then it's no secret that I ate all of them, and that they were yummy. :)

Sorry, for that. I had to say that. {big grin}

Anyway, after dinner, we chatted for a while, then walked around Frederick with part of the family, and we left about 8:00 PM.

Friday, I worked practically all day. That evening, we went to St. Augustine's and joined Michael, Sylvia, Emily, and a host of other Christendom students, alumni, and Bracy for a day-after-Thanksgiving dinner.

On Saturday, Mom and I went to Alex's house in Davidsonville and visited with the family. We stayed around until about 5:00 PM, and then made the two hour drive back. (It was at a leisurely pace.)

On Sunday, I took Mom to Mass in town. After that, I took her to Spelunker's (because you can't come to Front Royal and not go there), and from there we went to see Carmen and Barry, and Mary Jane and Hoppy, Dad's sisters and their husbands. We had a good visit with them, and dinner was, once again, excellent. We had chicken and dumplings, which was so far superior to Christendom's version that it was not even remotely funny.

Mom and I headed back to Front Royal about 8:00 PM, and we sat around with a good puzzle for a while. A while after all this, I called it a night...