Saturday, December 24, 2005

Suit shopping

Have you ever gone suit shopping? It takes a lot of time, let me tell you. Dad and I went to the Men's Wearhouse today, where he was fitted up with a new suit. They are very nice, high-quality suits, but it was expensive! Wow! And people wonder why I only have one suit...

They tried to hook me up, too. I was really tempted by a dark suit with light pinstripes on it. I'm a sucker for black and white, though. Dark with light is good, but black with white -- excellent. :)

Was there any point to this post? Nope. Just to say that suit shopping is fun, but expensive and time-consuming. However, I very highly recommend the Men's Wearhouse for suits. I've purchased a lot of stuff from K&G. Their stuff is nice and inexpensive, but it pales in comparison to the Men's Wearhouse when it comes to quality. I found this out the hard way, when after about three months of wear, a brand new pair of slacks from K&G wore out and split in a rather embarrassing place. I discovered this in the middle of a sales pitch. Or rather, I should say that an older gentleman waved me over and told me under his breath that the seat of my pants did not exist anymore...


Anthony Smitha said...

Yo, Fonz! I've been hoping that you'd see my site! I need your professional help, buddy. I need a new suit. I'm thinking I should get a solid white suit. Is that too much of a pimp look for me?

Also, I need a bike. I'd like a Harley, but I really needed your help for this one. How do I convince my parents to let me get a bike??? :-D

Oh yeah, Merry Christmas, too...

J. Smith said...


Suit shopping is an extremely necessary and often rewarding pastime, old friend. The one thing that you should keep in mind through all of this is the theme of gratitude. After all, it sounds as though your parents paid for your new duds - a definite bonus! *chuckles* I'm at the point where all of my work clothes will have to be on my tab, even taking into account possible gifts from relatives.

If you ever have time, check out my blog as well. It's not terribly interesting, and I can't promise a post every day (or even regularly). Still, sporadic is better than nothing, right?

Merry Christmas!

Anthony Smitha said...

Yo, Justin! I was wondering if you'd make it over here. Actually, if you hadn't noticed, I already posted your blogsite among the elite, right next to your sister's. :)

I was probably a bit unclear. My Dad bought two new suits for himself. My suit is just fine. And when it comes time to get a new suit, I'd rather not have anyone pay for it, so that when I get it, I'm entirely responsible for it, and won't hear, "You spent my money on that?!!"

I'd probably never do something so irresponsible, because I would want to look really good and really professional in a suit, not really silly. It probably wouldn't happen, but you never know. I saw a bright red suit jacket, and my eyes bugged out in glee. I had to remind myself that I was here to help Dad get fitted for a suit, not to get one for me. :)

Besides, they were too small anyway... (Shucks...)

Anthony Smitha said...

Oh, my friend, they do come in solid white. The problem with them that I've seen so far is that white is not a good color, unless the material is thick. I don't really care to show the world the teddy-bear-in-rocketship underwear I have on now...

Sorry... was that TMI??? :-D

Anthony Smitha said...

Sorry... My bad...


Anonymous said...

This post, though it was posted last year, has won the post of the year award, 2006! Congratulations.

Anthony Smitha said...

Thank you, thank you! I'll accept my cool $100 million... ;)

{ladies go wild}

Ladies, please...