Monday, February 20, 2006

My po' widdle memowy...

I had such an awesome dream last night. I wanted to put it up here, but I just now remembered that I had meant to do so earlier, and I can't remember anything about it. Drat!!!

Sorry, I have nothing to amuse you with now...

Well, maybe I can come up with something, if I think really hard...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... {POP!}

Shoot. My slippery mind has popped out gotta go fetch it.



Have you ever tried to pick up a wet watermelon seed off the floor? It's nearly impossible.



That's what this is like. Except my mind is smaller than a watermelon seed, and a whole lot more slippery...


J. Smith said...

Well, I must admit my disappointment at having to miss out on a Smitha dream - they're always the best. I was hoping for a sequel to the O'Kielty Files - if you forget one of those dreams, I'll have to hunt you down and overhaul your brain to retrieve the memory!

Anthony Smitha said...

Once you figure out the technology, my friend, and fix all the bugs in the technology, I'll give you permission to figure out what that dream was. It was pretty darn good. :)

J. Smith said...

You are not gonna believe this, but I had a dream about Father O'Kielty the other night, as well! Mine was, decidedly, much less interesting than yours - in addition to being much less clear and concise.

Suffice it to say, Father O'Kielty had quite a number of cats, and had a rather non-cautious nature about letting them crawl all around inside his car (while it was moving). Fear not, no animals were harmed during the course of this dream - but I was shocked to see him in my dream (and even more spooked when I remembered your dreams). Yours was definitely better, though. *chuckle*

Anthony Smitha said...

That could definitely be a fun dream, considering how much he likes cats...