Monday, March 06, 2006

Great pics of AJ and Anya

My sister sent me an e-mail with a picture of her kids in it. This picture was taken while AJ and Anya were helping me get my stuff out to the car after my last visit. The box was too big for AJ (of course), so I asked him to carry my jacket.

He grabbed my jacket and threw it over his shoulder. Mayhem ensued with the contents of my jacket pockets, and pictures as well as that New Testament in his hands were thrown clear. He picked up the Bible, and I picked up the pictures.

I was going to put the hat on Anya, but she was being shy, so we plopped it on his head. The result was pure hilarity. :)

After a bit of touching up, I think he could make a great door-to-door Catholic. Take that, Jehovah's witnesses! The cuteness level of a four-year-old whoops most righteously upon your teenagers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do you tempt me so much to let you win???? They're SO CUTE!!!!